Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions: Cost, Duration, and Overview

To achieve WETT certification, you must successfully complete three initial courses:

  1. Code Compliance
  2. Wood-Burning Systems
  3. SITE Inspection

Upon enrollment, you will receive the WETT manual along with the Code Compliance course materials. This manual will be used throughout all your courses. Additionally, as a WETT-certified professional, you are required to obtain a Continuing Education (CE) credit by completing an additional course every five years

Course Registration

    Initial Certification Courses

    Code Compliance

    • Cost: $695
    • Duration: 3 Days
    • Intended For: All participants in the WETT Training System

    Prerequisites: No strict entry requirements, but six months of field experience is recommended.


    • Introduce participants to solid fuel technology and regulations.
    • Support, confirm, and enhance knowledge gained through on-the-job experience.


    This course provides an overview of wood heating technology and the regulations governing safe installation. It is recommended for members of the wood energy trade, as well as municipal, insurance, and private home inspectors, to promote a shared understanding of roles and objectives across sectors.

    Content Overview:

    • Day 1: Wood-Burning Appliances
    • Day 2: Shielding and Clearances
    • Day 3: Chimneys and Venting


    Successful completion of the course (70% or higher on the examination) allows entry into one of three specialized training streams:

    • Stream 1: Installers and Salespeople
    • Stream 2: Chimney Sweeps
    • Stream 3: Municipal, Fire, or Insurance Inspectors

    Wood-Burning Systems

    • Cost: $485
    • Duration: 2 Days
    • Intended For: All participants in the WETT Training System


    • Successful completion of the Code Compliance course.
    • Eighty weeks of installation or sales experience is recommended and required for certification.


    • Introduce participants to system design and problem diagnosis.
    • Confirm skills and knowledge acquired through field experience.
    • Support on-the-job and in-store training.


    Participants should possess the knowledge and skills outlined in the Occupational Analysis manual relevant to their occupational category.

    Content Overview:

    • Case Study 1: Space heating system design, meeting customer objectives, installation planning, and execution.
    • Case Study 2: Inspection and remedial measures for an existing masonry chimney and uncertified cook stove.
    • Case Study 3: Installation of a fireplace insert.
    • Case Study 4: Installation of a factory-built fireplace.
    • Case Study 5: Installation of a chimney liner.


    Successful completion of the course (with a 70% or higher on the examination), along with the required 80 weeks of installation or sales experience, results in WETT certification as a Technician or Advisor.

    SITE Inspection

    • Cost: $295
    • Duration: 2 Day
    • Intended For: All participants in the WETT Training System


    • Successful completion of the Code Compliance and Wood-Burning Systems courses.
    • Eighty weeks of relevant field experience is recommended and required for certification.


    1. Introduce participants to the Levels of Inspection and SITE Guidelines, and outline the roles and responsibilities of professionals conducting inspections of solid fuel appliances.
    2. Prepare participants to conduct, document, and report on a basic visual inspection of wood-burning appliances and their venting systems.


    This course aims to standardize inspection activities and provide instruction in Level 1 inspection practices. Participants will receive:

    • Inspection Checklist forms designed to guide field inspections.
    • Training in documentation and reporting to ensure essential and required content is included in Inspection Reports.

    Content Overview:

    1. Levels of inspection and SITE guidelines
    2. Masonry chimney inspections
    3. Masonry fireplace inspections
    4. Homeowner communication strategies
    5. Factory-built fireplace inspections
    6. Wood-burning stove and flue pipe inspections
    7. Fireplace insert and hearth-mount stove inspections
    8. Factory-built chimney inspections


    • For Inspectors:
      Successful completion of the course (70% or higher on the examination), along with 80 weeks of inspection experience (including at least 30 inspections of wood-burning appliances) and a letter of reference, leads to WETT certification in SITE Basic Inspection.
    • For Salespeople and Installers:
      Successful completion of the course (70% or higher on the examination), combined with the necessary installation and/or sales experience and a letter of reference, results in WETT certification as a Technician and/or Advisor, along with SITE Basic Inspection certification.

    Advanced and Specialized Courses

    Chimney Sweeping

    • Cost: $485
    • Duration: 2 Days
    • Intended For: Chimney Sweeps (others may earn one CE credit)


    • Successful completion of the Code Compliance course.
    • Eighty weeks of chimney sweeping experience is recommended and required for certification.


    • Introduce participants to chimney sweeping techniques and the roles and responsibilities of chimney sweeps.
    • Support, enhance, and confirm knowledge acquired through field work.


    This course offers participants an in-depth exploration of the tools, techniques, and safety procedures essential for effective chimney sweeping.

    Content Overview:

    • Regulatory issues related to sweeping
    • Potential hazards and risk prevention
    • Diagnosis and troubleshooting
    • Tools and techniques used in sweeping
    • Communication with householders
    • Oil and gas systems
    • Masonry chimney repair
    • Sweeping after a chimney fire


    Successful completion of the course (with a 70% or higher on the examination), combined with the required 80 weeks of chimney sweeping experience, results in WETT certification in Chimney Sweeping.

    SITE Comprehensive Inspection

    • Cost: $295
    • Duration: 1 Day
    • Intended For: WETT Certified Technicians and Chimney Sweeps (minimum 2-year certification required)


    • Must have been WETT certified for at least two years.
    • Successful completion of the Chimney Sweeping course.

    Before attending the course, participants must:

    • Review Chapter 14 of the WETT Reference Manual (February 2009).
    • Review NBC 9:21 (found in Chapter 4, Section 4 of the WETT Reference Manual).
    • Review NBC 9:22 (found in Chapter 9, Section 9 of the WETT Reference Manual).
    • Review B365-10.
    • Bring both the WETT manual and B365-10 to class.


    • Review the Levels of Inspection and SITE Guidelines, emphasizing the roles and responsibilities in conducting comprehensive inspections of solid fuel appliances.
    • Prepare participants to conduct, document, and report on comprehensive inspections of wood-burning appliances and venting systems.


    The course aims to standardize comprehensive inspection activities and reporting. It includes:

    • A review of Inspection Checklist forms designed to guide field inspections.
    • Training in documentation and reporting to ensure thorough and accurate Inspection Reports.

    Content Overview:

    • Levels of inspection and SITE guidelines
    • Homeowner communication
    • Comprehensive Inspection Reporting
    • Factory-built chimney inspections
    • Masonry chimney inspections
    • Masonry fireplace inspections
    • Factory-built fireplace inspections
    • Fireplace insert and hearth-mount stove inspections


    For installers and sweeps certified for a minimum of two years, successful completion of the course (with a 70% or higher on the examination) results in WETT certification in SITE Comprehensive Inspection.

    Pellet Heating Technology

    • Cost: $295
    • Duration: 1 Day
    • Intended For: WETT Certified Technicians and Chimney Sweeps (others may earn one CE credit)

    Must already be WETT certified.


    • Provide an overview of the operational features of pellet systems.
    • Cover code requirements, venting options, and general installation and inspection issues.


    This course is designed to confirm and enhance the knowledge you have gained from selling, installing, maintaining, or inspecting pellet-burning systems.

    Content Overview:

    • Pellet appliance technology
    • Design and joint sealing of pellet appliance venting systems
    • Venting configurations for pellet appliances
    • Calculating the correct pellet vent diameter
    • Code requirements for pellet installations


    Successful completion of the course (with a 70% or higher on the examination) results in one continuing education credit.

    Central Heating Systems

    • Cost: $300
    • Duration: 1 Day
    • Intended For: Installers, Salespeople, and Chimney Sweeps


    • Successful completion of the Code Compliance course.
    • Eighty weeks of experience installing central heating systems is recommended and required for certification.


    • Introduce participants to the knowledge and skills required for the design and installation of solid fuel central heating systems.
    • Provide an understanding of the regulations that apply to central heating systems.
    • Support, enhance, and confirm knowledge acquired through fieldwork.


    This course offers a detailed exploration of solid fuel central heating systems through a case study on the installation of an add-on wood furnace.

    Content Overview:

    • Case study on the installation of an add-on wood furnace
    • Regulatory issues related to central heating systems using solid fuels
    • Review of central heating systems terminology
    • Overview of solid fuel boilers
    • Troubleshooting central systems


    • Continuing Education Credit:
      Successful completion of the course (70% or higher on the examination) provides one continuing education credit, fulfilling the mandatory WETT continuing education requirement.
    • Certification as a Central Systems Technician:
      Successful completion of the course (70% or higher on the examination), combined with the required 80 weeks of central heating systems installation experience, results in WETT certification as a Central Systems Technician.

    Smoke Spillage Prevention

    • Cost: $300
    • Duration: 1 Day
    • Intended For: All WETT Certificate Holders (primarily System Advisors, Installers, and Service Personnel)

    Must already be WETT certified.


    • Introduce participants to the "house as a system" principle.
    • Learn and practice system design concepts that create spillage-resistant installations.
    • Improve diagnostic techniques and remedial measures for resolving smoke spillage problems.


    This course is the first in a two-course series focused on viewing the chimney as part of the overall house system. It introduces participants to principles that help design systems preventing smoke spillage and offers techniques for diagnosing and resolving spillage issues in existing installations.

    Content Overview:

    • Introduction to the "house as a system" principle
    • How temperature difference, stack height, and pressure difference affect chimney venting
    • Effects of wind on buildings and chimneys
    • Impact of fan-induced negative pressure
    • Case study on diagnosing spillage problems


    Successful completion of the course (with a 70% or higher on the examination) provides one continuing education credit, fulfilling the mandatory WETT continuing education requirement.

    Testing and Managing House Pressures

    • Cost: $300
    • Duration: 1 Day
    • Intended For: All WETT Certificate Holders


    • Must be WETT certified
    • Successful completion of Part 1: Smoke Spillage Prevention


    • Provide an understanding of building code requirements for mechanical ventilation.
    • Introduce the objectives and content of building code requirements for protection against depressurization.
    • Equip participants with the knowledge and skills to achieve compliance with building code requirements related to depressurization protection.


    This course builds on the foundation of the Smoke Spillage Prevention course, enabling participants to confidently find solutions for complying with building code requirements concerning depressurization protection. It also introduces house pressure testing as a valuable tool for system planning and diagnostics.

    Content Overview:

    • Introduction to mechanical ventilation
    • Overview of protection against depressurization
    • Prescriptive versus performance compliance strategies
    • Using the house pressure test
    • Case studies on compliance with depressurization protection requirements


    Successful completion of the course (with a 70% or higher on the examination) provides one continuing education credit, fulfilling the mandatory WETT continuing education requirement.